Reviews the Age of the Cathedrals Art and Society 980-1420

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Dit boek over de evolutie van de machtsverhoudingen , het rijpen van de geesten en de invloed hiervan op de kunst en de bouwkunst tijdens de Middeleeuwen is dan wel interessant, maar het is zo moeilijk en onleesbaar geschreven dat de helft van het boek gewoon onverstaanbaar is. De zinnen zijn zo lang dat de essentie ervan verloren gaat. In een kluwen van bijzinnen moet je ontwaren wat de auteur nu eigenlijk wil zeggen.
Spijtig is dat, want ik heb echt wel Noem mij gerust dapper of een doorzetter.
Dit boek over de evolutie van de machtsverhoudingen , het rijpen van de geesten en de invloed hiervan op de kunst en de bouwkunst tijdens de Middeleeuwen is dan wel interessant, maar het is zo moeilijk en onleesbaar geschreven dat de helft van het boek gewoon onverstaanbaar is. De zinnen zijn zo lang dat de essentie ervan verloren gaat. In een kluwen van bijzinnen moet je ontwaren wat de auteur nu eigenlijk wil zeggen.
Spijtig is dat, want ik heb echt wel veel geleerd uit dit boek, maar het had véél meer kunnen zijn. Ik ben nu ook gewoon blij dat het uit is! ...more

That didn't happen, of course, just the next four centuries would see a shift of artistic influence a
This menstruation is often thought of equally static, equally if nothing of much consequence was going on. Cypher could be further from reality - this was a menstruation of many changes which would ferment and become the Renaissance, the signal where Duby's history ends. It begins just before the start millennium occurs, a appointment that many thought would coincide with the second coming of Christ and the end of the globe.That didn't happen, of course, simply the next four centuries would see a shift of artistic influence abroad from the monasteries with their emphasis on the afterlife to more than expression of worldly concerns. This trend, though, was non a simple ane. There were disruptive cultural leaps forwards and backwards, and it is the strength of Duby's history that he makes these shifts comprehensible. .
The cathedrals referred to in the championship are an instance of this diversity. With their soaring spires and high vaulted ceilings, they were clearly intended to inspire the worshiper toward the heavens. But their structure was expensive, and would have never taken place head information technology not been for the wealth created principally from new methods of farm production and distribution. Commerce fueled the construction of cathedrals every bit much as religious motives.
Growing wealth recalls Christ's teachings about being able to serve two masters - God and the mammon of cloth wealth. One powerful reaction against wealth was begun by Francis of Assisi and his emphasis on the vows of poverty. In fact, Duby goes so far as to say what remains of authentic Christianity today goes directly back to Francis.
The Cathar motility, harshly suppressed by the Church, was another turn toward a purified and simplified religion. This is not the mention the various heresies of the time too challenged church teachings and practices, giving rising to the Inquisition, and its effort to stamp them out.
A pivotal figure in the growing struggle for power between the clergy and secular princes was Innocent III who became pope in 1198. He was the starting time pope to specifically state that the popes were not only successors to Peter, only "lieutenants" of Christ and as such should have complete control over all princes of the world. He ambitiously wanted to reform the monasteries, eliminate all heresies and excesses and establish the truth (his version) everywhere. I recollect he embodies some of the paradoxes of this flow. He genuinely wanted to improve the actuality of the church, but he gear up in place forces that would ultimately lead to the reformation.
Another growing conflict was between intellectual factions - those who held strictly to Aristotle and his abstractions, and those who began to question them. A compromise of sorts was worked out by Thomas Aquinas who wanted to enshrine reason every bit crucial to a potent religion.
A meaning doctrinal development took place with the Council of Latran in 1218 where the doctrine of transubstantiation was worked out. This formulation of what takes place with the eucharist, or communion, may seem similar obscure nonsense, just in a way information technology represents the struggle of the historic period as to whether to look heavenward toward insolvable mysteries or to remain on the side of earthly reason. How can Christ be truly present in the bread and wine of the communion service? It involves a statement well-nigh appearances staying the aforementioned, simply substances actually irresolute.
It'southward hard to maintain this mental balancing act, and as time went on, I think it becomes symbolic of a gradual shift away from the clergy and the transcendent to the laity's more than earth-bound considerations. In paintings and in sculpture, for instance, Christ may nevertheless exist the center of attention, but he is no longer the supreme gauge, remote and judgmental, but a historical figure who suffers and dies, a very homo fate.
There's much more to be said most the volume, but it's a swell introduction to the menstruation and its sources suggest a multitude of further details that could exist explored.

Negative: sometimes a too pathetic style, the titles of the parts practise not correspond with the content, and the telescopic is mainly limited to culture. Actually written equally an accompanying commentary on a book with images nearly medieval art. Masterly considering of the width of the subject, illustrating the diversity that lies behind the middle ages and the thorough evolution in time (transition to modernity, in contrast to the "automnal sentiment of Huizinga), and of course very erudite.
Negative: sometimes a too pathetic style, the titles of the parts do not represent with the content, and the scope is mainly express to culture. ...more

Lots of information. At the get-go I kept some sort of a distance, because as of data seemed to be biased, in a polite way, a footstep from being judgmental, afterward on I reached the decision that probably it was Saramago'southward translation that was doing this. Merely his passion for History and what led things to go a certain way is beyond belief.
What interested me the most was this notion of power associated with religious belief and the illusion of righteousness, Quite amazing really.
Lots of data. At the showtime I kept some sort of a distance, because every bit of information seemed to be biased, in a polite way, a step from being judgmental, after on I reached the determination that probably it was Saramago'due south translation that was doing this. But his passion for History and what led things to go a sure way is across belief.
What interested me the nearly was this notion of power associated with religious belief and the illusion of righteousness, that was supposedly beingness used to protect pour people but too to enslave them in a certain way. Not that nowadays are much different, only more thin. Far more thin.
It is 1 of those books you need to read and re-read. Lots and lots of information.

Y con su maestría narrativa, Duby nos hace protagonistas de esta época, situándonos en primera línea, como si fuéramos protagonistas directos de los acontecimientos que va narrando.
En resumen: una delicia de libro que nos transporta desde los inicios del feudalismo a la crisis de la Baja Edad Media tomando como hilo usher el arte de cada momento y el uso que Con su erudición, Duby nos mete de lleno en la Edad Media descubriendo el arte a través de la sociedad y la sociedad a través del arte.
Y con su maestría narrativa, Duby nos hace protagonistas de esta época, situándonos en primera línea, como si fuéramos protagonistas directos de los acontecimientos que va narrando.
En resumen: una delicia de libro que nos transporta desde los inicios del feudalismo a la crisis de la Baja Edad Media tomando como hilo conductor el arte de cada momento y el uso que se le da.
No le doy cinco estrellas porque la edición contiene varias erratas que desmerecen el resultado final. ...more

Uma experiencia maravilhosa que nos leva ao longo da Idade Média.

En el umbral: visibilizar la estructura armónica del medioevo a través del arte, el 'art de la French republic', la Catedral.
Reconozcámoslo, Georges Duby es un maestro medievalista por antonomasia. Pretender reseñarle implica emprender una ardua tarea, pero no un imposible. En "La época de las Catedrales", Duby nos invita a sobrepasar los límites del tiempo-espacio para decantar, a modo novelesco, el discurso sobre el arte, la liturgia y la monumentalidad divina, y las mentalidades del entramado social.En el umbral: visibilizar la estructura armónica del medioevo a través del arte, el 'art de la France', la Catedral. Gracias a esa belleza sensible, sostiene el autor, el alma se eleva a la verdadera belleza y de la tierra en la que yacía sumergida resucita al cielo gracias a la claridad de los esplendores.
En el centro de la obra, una sola idea: Dios es luz. Luz inicial, increada. Luz creada por la luz, donde participan todas las estructuras y transmite, atravesando los altos muros y los rosetones, esa iluminación divina y mística que unifica y controla. Ya lo vaticina san Bernardo: "El alma busca la luz siguiendo la luz". Esa áurea es la que lleva a la Catedral a ser en sí misma el espejo de Dios.
Así, la Catedral se nos presenta como un espacio que se yergue hasta el cielo como ensueño; una pieza de arte monumental, iconográfica y escultórica -ya en tiempos de Suger- que significó el renacimiento de las ciudades y el comercio. Una especie de "documento" hecha de piedra, desde donde se puede apreciar las representaciones de una sociedad en torno a sus temores, sus miedos, su mística; a su eterna búsqueda por encontrar a Dios encarnado. Allí se han conservado infinitas huellas dejadas por los trabajos de los hombres, el bajo pueblo, los artesanos. Allí también la luz perpetúa la Creación como una incandescencia que procede de una fuente única, el Dios luz.
La época de las Catedrales es un texto de especialización que todo lector eurocentrista debe contar en su biblioteca. Es la conjunción perfecta de la historia cultural, del arte y de las mentalidades, al atravesar con mucha ambición todos los campos del conocimiento, y entregarnos una compleja y completa personalidad de la época.
...more than
The prose is curiously empathetic, perhaps an result of the translation. At times it seems cocky-consciously elaborate and flowery. Only the effect is to nowadays the thinking of a people who suddenly erected a cathedral in almost every large town. There is little detail of private cathedrals, rather an explanation of the artistic impulses and blueprint of the catamenia. He reports several attempts to reform the Cosmic church from insiders who were disgusted with the luxurious life of the clergy and monasteries. Such corruption was rampant in the church and in royalty.
St Francis of Assissi was the leading case of such an attempt to reform by his case. An interesting outcome of the Black Death plague was the rise in prosperity for many survivors.
This volume illuminated the economic science of the heart ages for me because I am unfamiliar with that period. Simply this history suffers from poor chronological progression, making the exposition confusing at times.

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